Sunday, July 8, 2012


Lots of activity at the humming bird feeder this morning.  There are now two hummers, and of course they fight over the feeder.  Kat is mesmerized.  She lays on the table in front of the window and watches.


Kasey loves playing in the yard when she gets home.

Here she is standing in the spray from the siphon.

She is enjoying the swing so much.  You can see the grass is already looking a little yellow under the swing.  There was a time, a long time ago, that the ground under the swing was bare.

She jumped out of the swing, and told me, "I can do that now that I'm five."


Watched my new video on drawing animals yesterday.  Made my hands itch to get my pencils out!  And of course, I had to order a couple of new "gadgets" that the lady in the video used.

1 comment:

  1. makes a person tired just watching a young person play Bill
