Sunday, July 29, 2012


If Judi had been carrying her camera with her yesterday, she would have documented me doing something I rarely do - shopping at Ridleys.  She and Cadence were there.

I don't cook very often, but when I try to cook something I get frustrated because we're always out of things.  How can you cook without onions, potatoes, eggs, cheese or carrots? And it seems like the pantry, which always was stocked with about 3 jars of spaghetti sauce, cans of chile, ripe olives, and and other staples are now empty. 

Okay, the cart was heaping, it cost a bundle, and I'm ready to cook again.  Look out!


 The frantic robins are back.  The magpies are stressing them out.  Apparently, young robins on the ground are in danger from magpies.

I haven't watched too much of the Olympics on TV.  Guess I should find a schedule and see what is happening when.  The gymnists are always so impressive, but - - - - unless they make a mistake in their routine, they all look exactly alike.

I hope it's okay if I borrow this photo.  This was taken at the the Box R last week by a visitor.


  1. The gymnasts DO all look the same!

    That is some picture of the mountain lion - especially when it was taken at or near the Box R!

    You were doing some very deep-in-thought shopping. Reminded me of Lynn Thomas & the long lists she would bring to Falers.

  2. Love the picture of the mountain lion. Wish you had taken it so I could "borrow" the reference!

    This is the first year I have been having the same thoughts about the gymnasts. But you are right. They do all look alike. Of course that makes it easier now to pick up on their mistakes.

    Hard to believe that Lynn will be gone 3 years in August. Say hello to Judi for me too. ~J~
