Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Uploading a video in Blogger is like pulling teeth.  I finally gave up.

When Barrie picked KC up from kindergarten, the teacher told her they were teaching her to "pump" in a swing.  Kasey's little swing was one of those that she couldn't do much except have her mom push her.  So Barrie went to the Food Basket (Yay Food Basket) and found Kasey a "big girl" swing.  Happy kid, and Barrie likes it that she can sit in the shade and watch.


The frogs have been very noisy lately.  Sounds like they are on the hilllside by my house.  A new hatch maybe?  The  ones in the hay field are noisy too. 

One year the girls and I found pollywogs in the puddles on our street.  We caught some, brought them home, and put them in our aquarium.  We turned them loose in the yard when their legs grew.

I know nothing about the frogs here.  I don't know how big they get, but all the ones I have seen are onlly about an inch long.  They turn up in strange places.  One time there were a dozen or more in the corner of my basement, and one time there were a bunch of them in one area of my lawn. 


  1. 'Picked Kasey up from kindergarten'? In the summer? Kndgn Roundup?

  2. I think they call it kindergarten orientation, or something. They set up a program for the summer for the kids to get familiar with the building, classrooms, and work on reading readiness stuff.

  3. reading readiness, takes place in the kindergarten "pod" a summer school program. i took two kids, boy that was a handfull!!! and super fun.

    ummmm ur not supposed to put pics of my butt on ur blog...lol


  4. AND i really wish kc's hair would quit getting cut. it's about 1/2 the length it would be....
