Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I've done a little cleaning this morning, and worked on the colored pencil drawing.  The drawing has not improved.  I hate the paper and am not liking how the drawing is progressing.  Maybe I won't waste any more time on it.  Find a new sheet of paper, and a new reference photo.  I can usually tell pretty soon whether or not a drawing is going to turn out okay, and this one is not!


I got out the fan yesterday and turned it on.  I guess I better drag my portable air conditioner out of the closet and get it hooked up. 

Missing the afternoon shade of the big pine trees.

This photo has been posted on the internet a lot lately.  Cute, huh?

This is definitely my house!


  1. No. No. This month I win the "Delirious House" award.

  2. Well he wouldn't have far to fall if he falls off his horse.

    Does the new view over ride the heat? Just wondering.
