Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It started out as a sunny day, but I see dark clouds are moving in from the west.  Looks like it's going to be another rainy afternoon. 

I tried a buffalo in charcoal on a sheet of paper that has been toned with coffee.  I always try to loosen up in my drawings, and the combination of charcoal and the coffee coated paper makes sure I stay loose.  No way to get details on these. 

Someone asked how I got the paper this way.  I use hot press water color paper.  I mix a little water with Folgers coffee crystals, kind of strong.  Then I spatter the water all over the paper, or just toss it on with a spoon or something.  Sometimes I blot it if I have too much water, or blow on it to move it arround.  You can't predict how it will look.

Late yesterday afternoon, a doe with twin fawns went across my back yard.  They are so tiny! The gress is almost as tall as they are.  I didn't even have time to get my camera.  So now the camera is on the table right under the window.  Maybe she'll come through again.


  1. I look at your coffee art & just want to jump up & splatter some paper with instant java. I procrastinate for awhile and then the moment passes. Yours are wonderful pieces of art.

  2. Hello Duene! I really like your buffalo, and the coffee part is inspired. Do you know if it fades? I know it wouldn't wash out! So now you have a nice buffalo that smells like coffee. ~J~
