Monday, August 20, 2012


I finished this pencil drawing of an elk yesterday, and I'm not sure I like it.  It is just lacking something that gives it an edge.  And I don't know what it is.

This made me laugh.  I actually had a motorcycle once. And I even rode it!  But every time I stopped, it toppled over.  My legs were too short, and the bike was a little too heavy.

Tracy was riding her horse one afternoon, and I was to go get her in Shelter Park.  So I took my bike.  She got on behind me and we started home.  Beause I knew I couldn't stop, I kept circling Falers parking lot, waiting for a break in the traffic.  Tracy kept saying, "That's alright Mom, I can walk home.  But of course I didn't stop to let her off.  We made it all the way to our driveway, and of course, when I stopped, we tipped over.

I think that was the last time I ever drove it.  Driving through the Hoback later that summer, we saw a group of about six men on motorcycles.  They pulled off the road and stopped by some corrals.  And one of the guys put out his feet to balance his bike, and tipped over just like I did.  I laughed the rest of the way home.



  1. The elk is awesome! I don't see any lack of spark.
    We had 2 motorcycles. I loved the little 125 as I could hold it up. Of course, it died of old age. We still have the 250 but I never could reach the ground when I straddled it, so it always tipped over. But, Shara & Chase rode it when they were here.

  2. Your elk looks great, but he has more tines on one side than the other
