Monday, August 27, 2012


Kasey was so excited she was going to the lake to see Uncle Paul and Aunt Tracy yesterday.  We couldn't go up until after 6:00, so didn't have much daylight left. 

Barrie took Shorty up, and after the initial hackle raising and snarls and threats, Daisy and Shorty began playing and gave us lots of laughs.  They mostly tore around the shade tent chasing each other.

Tracy and Paul moved to a nearby campsite that became vacant yesterday.  They can watch their boat from there

Judi and Rollie were at the boat dock and watched Tracy back the trailer into the water.  Judi took a picture and posted it on her blog.

I think this is a little extreme! 
"The Taliban beheaded 17 people, including two women, for attending a mixed-gender party where there was music and dancing, Afghan officials reported today."
It would NOT be a good idea to open a nightclub there!
I have been working on this pencil drawing for a while now.  It is almost finished.  It's not the best idea to draw a white animal next to an off-white animal.  Value problems.


  1. And Judi forgot to mention it was
    ROLLIE that recognized it was Tracy backing the boat in.

  2. You NAILED the lamb! Good job. You got the values just right too.
    I was so impressed with how Tracy could back that boat in! I tried backing our tiny trailer once & after lots of laughs we just unhooked it & Rance & Darin did it by hand.
