Thursday, September 13, 2012


The smoke and smell from the Jackson fire really got to us yesterday.  It's still here, but maybe not as strong.  Come on snow!

Kasey is home sick today.  New school, new kids, new germs.  She is watching cartoons on the couch with her mom.

It was a good day for eBay shopping today.  Several persons in my art group are wanting a set of Intense pencils (water soluble pencils).  They are $34 in the art supply catalog.  I got three sets for $20 each today on eBay.  Not bad bargain hunting!

Here  is something I don't see very often - a squeaky clean palette.  It had a bath and thorough scrubbinb yesterday.

And now I'm setting up the tubes of paint to put on the palette.  These are the Daniel Smith watercolors I like so much.