Thursday, September 27, 2012


Barrie's latest project is to paint or stain the exterior of the house.  She thinks she will only do the front side first and see how it goes before she starts on the south side.

She rented this power washer for the day.  They told her it would be an easy job for two people to get it up the stairs.  It took only one Barrie.

And the front of the house gets a bath.  The little porch got interesting. It was added on after the house was built umpteen years ago.  I think Barrie got a little wet in that small space.  Today she bought a new sander to sand the logs.

I just found that my phone bill has not been paid in four months.  Good grief.  I don't even usually look at the bill when it comes in the mail.  It is on automatic payment to my credit card. I always look at the billing from my credit card company to make sure there is nothing weird on it.  But I never even missed seeing the payment to Century Tel.  And they never notified me the payment was being refused. The card has a new expiratioin date, and that was why the payment was being refused. 
Spent some quality time on the phone with them and got it all straightened out, I hope.  Talked to a nice lady who spoke English.  I did have to argue with her a bit about changing my TV and cell phone plan to their bundle.  I figure if something works, don't fix it.  She removed the late charges, and I got it set up for automatic payment again with the correct credit card information.
While I was on the phone with Century Tel, I inquired about a faster internet connection.  I ended up having my speed increased (with an increase in cost, of course)  with the assurance that if I didn't think it was worth it, I could cancel it. 
I enjoy watching movies from Amazon on my computer, and have always had one bar showing for connection.  You know, like on your cell phone.  Well, I watched a movie last night, I had four bars, and the picture was sharper.  Haven't tried any YouTube videos yet, but the higher speed made a difference in my movies. 

1 comment:

  1. What a job for Barrie to tackle!!! You go, Girl!
    You Centurytel story is LOL. Thanks!
