Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I just got home from Rendezvous Pointe, where we hung the artwork for the silent auction, which starts tomorrow (in conjunction with the Blood Draw). We don't have as many participating artists as in the past, but we ended up with a nice display.  I have twelve pieces up.

Kasey started her first day of Kindergarten today.  I got downstairs about 2 minutes after she had gone to the pickup, so didn't take her picture.  Barrie took some, though.  Of course, she wore her favorite rodeo shirt and her cowboy boots.  That backpack is loaded!

Another earth shaking poll!:
"Nearly 20 percent of New Jersey's registered voters have at least one tattoo, a new poll conducted by Rutgers University ahead of the final season of MTV's "Jersey Shore" finds."

Boy, am I glad to hear that!


  1. Holy smokes, is she running away from home or going to be gone for 2 months.
    AAAH, wait she is practicing to be a woman.

  2. That is one loaded backpack!

  3. What keeps her from tipping over backwards?

  4. haha! i tried to carry it for her, but little miss independant insisted on doing it herself:)it came home much lighter.
