Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I finished this little (5" x 7") buffalo this morning.  I've drawn some fair buffalo in my time, but this isn't one of them.  He's not scruffy enough, and I don't have enough dark against light.  More fighting with values.  Although my reference photo doesn't have a large range of values, there should be more.

Miss Kasey got to come home after school yesterday instead of a visit.  It is fun to hear to chatter about kindergarten.
I sent this photo to Tracy yesterday, and she loved it.  Although he was a little brown dog, I had a dog like this once.  He could smell if the gate was open, I think.  One morning, in the wee small hours of the morning, Tracy chased him down the street and threw a rock at him.  She couldn't even see him in the dark, but the rock hit him, and he never ran away from Tracy after that. 


  1. That is the new anti-gravity model of dogs.

    Now I see why I don't even try to be an artist. I don't have the slightest idea about ligh and dark values. The buffalo looks great to me.
    Hey anything better than a stick figure (that is what I draw)looks great to me.

  2. I like that buffalo's no-nonsense haircut.
