Monday, October 29, 2012


Same old, same old.  Barrie's at work, Kasey's in school, and I'm reading, drawing, painting, and watching a movie. 

I will NEVER get all the photos from the albums scanned, and I'm not sure I want to.  But I am picking out some to scan.

The only camera I had when Tracy was little was a Kodak Instamatic, and when Barrie was growing up, I had a good 35MM SLR.  So it seems I have more pictures of Barrie.


 Kasey loves her dance classes so much.  Barrie took dance when she was little, too, and loved it. Here she is being attentive and doing the right thing at the right time.

And then . . . . .

This is a photo of Barrie's kindergarten class.  Barrie is bottom row, far left, in the red shirt.  Next is Shara, my friend Judi's daughter.  I did write most of the names of these kids on the back, but waited too many years to do it, so I don't remember them all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is a fun game. Guess the kids. Alberta looks so young. Is that Kathy Hout to her left? Mari top left? John Wayne G 2nd to rt of angel? Tracy R to rt of John Wayne? Jody W bottom with baloney curls?
