Thursday, October 18, 2012


I thought I would try to upload this video of Kasey on my iPad again.  I left it to upload, did some laundry, cut up stuff for shishkabobs, and painted two skies in watercolor.  It was at least two hours later that I noticed it was here.

Anyway, how would you like to go on a trip with a kid in the back seat with one of these?

I watched the movie Connagher last night.  I wonder if Sam Elliot's wonderful voice is totally natural, or if he works at it.  Love this quote:  "If you take a man's money, you ride for the brand."
I dug around in the basement and found my old pad of rice paper, and want to play around a little bit with Chinese brush painting.  My friend Charm does beautiful work, but I'll be happy if I can just produce some bamboo shoots with black ink.


  1. Two hours to upload, huh? Bet you are super delighted that you bought that faster internet service.

  2. Sam's voice is completely his own.
