Friday, November 16, 2012


Thank you Kat!  She brought my hearing aide out of hiding and left it in front of the closet last night.  It is not harmed and works perfectly!

I know how to solve the immigration problem!!  Let's just trade the immigrants for all the people who want to cecede from the union.
Barrie and Duke got the snow plow on yesterday, but she says the wiring is wrong.  Back to the drawing board, I guess.

I finished this small drawing of a fox this morning, but I think I did a better job on the tree than I did the fox.

This is definitely me!


  1. Rollie and Judi, you are welcome to use my comments section as a chat room. Just keep it clean! :)

  2. Glad Kat brought back that very expensive toy, unharmed. That's a sweet little fox. Almost as sweet as my 'Sweet Baboo'. (He knows who he is). thanks for the permission slip.

  3. The "Stupidity" thing...yeah, that's me, too!

    Kat is amazing.
