Friday, November 30, 2012


I painted bamboo in my sleep last night.  Time to take a break!

I once painted this scene in my little Moleskine book, looking out my bathroom window to the neighbor's back yard.  What does it say that my best view is out my bathroom window? I have tried to do an 11" x 14" of it several times, and this is the best I have been able to come up with.  I was disappointed with the sky, but I guess it looks better now that the painting is finished.

I am ready for a "quakie fix".  I always paint quakie trees when I get stressed out painting other things.  I started a new one today.

Did you ever see anything cuter than this?  This calf was three days old, born in a zoo in the USA somewhere. 
Toby Keith writes almost all his own songs.  Did you know he did not write "Red Solo Cup"?
You're right Pablo.  So does a good book.


  1. I didn't anything of the sky until you brought it up. I just thought it was a back ground of some type

  2. I see a face in the sky of your painting. Old Man Winter?
