Sunday, November 11, 2012


I no longer have my outdoor temp thermometer, as Barrie put it in a box when she used the power washer on the house.  It wasn't working very well before that - I think it needs a new battery.  Then I will have to read instructions on the internet on how to set it all up again.  Maybe I don't care that much how cold it is in my yard.  I know how cold it is at the airport.

Three more pictures from our Alaska trip, and that will be all.  The photos are just too poor quality.

This is the kind of roads we drove. The highways in Alaska weren't paved at this time.  This is the Cartier Highway, it was raining, and we had to meet logging trucks on this road.

 And this is what our Winnebego looked like.  Yes, that's mud, and the muddy object on the back is a motorcycle.

And here is Barrie, the copilot.

I think I will read about Chinese Brush Painting today, then pull out one of the drawings I have already started and work on it.


  1. Looks like it was quite an adventure.

  2. the good old days and more pictures Bill

  3. Those Alaska pictures are just wonderful. The road, the mud, the cute co-pilot all tell a story.
