Thursday, November 1, 2012


I'm getting bored with the weather.  I'd love to look out the window and watch some serious snow coming down, or hear the wind howling around the corner of the house.  Well, I don't want what New York just got, but would like to see something different. 

I remember my girls always wore snow boots when they went trick or treating, and a costume that was big enough to fit over a coat.  Not so this year.
I am  loving the little hand held "wand" scanner.  If I am reading a magazine and see something I'd like to save, all I have to do is reach over and get it, turn it on, and scan.  This is a picture from an artist magazine I was looking through yesterday.  This large painting was a prize winner, and is named "Fish Sticks".
"Fish Sticks" is a perfect name for this painting!
I just noticed that a little vase on top of my entertainment center got tipped over (by a clumsy cat, I'm sure).  It was full of small double pointed knitting needles, many of which are behind the entertainment center.  I'll never see them again.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about 'I'll never see them again'. I still remember the big deal it was to get the PC tower off the floor & onto the desktop so we could get to the back of it. It would be a lost cause if it was still on the floor.
