Saturday, December 22, 2012


Productive day, I guess.  I put one load of laundry in the dryer, and another in the washing machine.  Washed some pots that were sitting in the sink, and filled our big humidifier with about 12 gallons of water.  Now if I just had someplace to put the clean clothes.  I  have slowly cleaned out the dresser drawers in my downstairs bedroom for Kasey.  Now I have no place to put things.  There is a perfectly fine dresser in the garage that Barrie brought home, and I have begged her for it.  Maybe she'll give it to me for Christmas!


This is my solution to a lot of crap!

I have registered for an online drawing class from Artists Network University.  There are four lessons with homework, reading assignments (online) and critique of your work from the instructor.  I have books on drawing, and have watched some tutorials.  But I have never really had a lesson.  It starts after Christmas, and I am looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I must be WAY smart! I was valedictorian in a class of 20.

    I'd love to take some of those art classes online, but I can't seem to get Power Point. :o(
