Saturday, December 29, 2012


I rearranged my pile of things to go to the Food Basket this morning and moved most of them to another location, so I can put up the hooks I bought last year for coats, back packs, etc.  I got a new Black and Decker drill from myself for Christmas, so I can get it done now.  It will be nice to have a place to hang things instead of chair backs or just thrown down on the dining room floor.

I should have posted this Calvin cartoon before Christmas.  Oh well, Calvin is always funny.

Tracy got a  kick out of this one and sent it to me last week.

How true!


  1. It sure was nice of Santa to give you that drill.

    So Kasey like her Barbie?

  2. Yes, Roger. Kasey loves her Barbie. She especially likes her hair.
