Tuesday, December 4, 2012


How can it be Tuesday already? 

The snow Gods keep teasing us, just enough to make the ground white, then it melts the next day. 

I'm uninspired when it comes to drawing or painting.  I decided to go through my file of art work from way back, and see if I could get enthused about something.

I have the hardcover book "The Song of Hiawatha".  It is illustrated with pen and ink drawings in the margins by Frederic Remington.  The pen and ink drawings I did above are about 9" x 12".  Frederic Remington's little drawings are about 1 1/2 inches.  I never did finish reading the poem, but enjoy just leafing through the book and looking at the illulstrations.  Every page has small drawings in the margins, and there are several pages of larger drawings or paintings.
Maybe I should get the pen and ink out again?


  1. Yes! I've always loved your pen & inks. You shine above everyone.....although I do remember one Vicky did once with a tiny touch of blue watercolor. It was wonderful too.
