Thursday, January 24, 2013

I'm Moving - - -

It's official.  Kasey has decided she is ready to move into my downstairs bedroom, and wants to paint the wall pink?  Where the heck did Barrie get her?  Barrie would NEVER have slept in a room with a pink wall!  Two walls of the room are white, one is the closet, and one wall is red. 

I have been slowly working on clearing out the room for some time now, but when Barrie steps in, it's like working with a tornado!  I pulled stuff out of the closet, and if I wanted it, I threw it on the bed to go upstairs.  If I didn't want to keep it, I threw it to Barrie and she made the decision whether to put it in the dump pile or the food basket pile.  She also cleaned the rest of the yarn out, including what was under the bed.  She also cleaned out the linen closet in the back hall, and I see she cleaned off some shelves in the basement. 

The bedroom looks bad right now, but we got a lot done yesterday.

I put my old pots and pans in the food basket pile and hung up the new ones this morning.  These aren't as high quality as my old cookware, but looks so nice.  And I have more space in the cupboards now.

Can I rest now?  I have a good book waiting for me.

Watched a good movie last night - "Absence of Malice" with Sally Field and Paul Newman.


  1. I enjoyed that movie also.

    As I sit here typing this I hear a dog.
    Next door neighbor had two dog and one of them had to be put down, now the second one is missing the other and after they leave for work he howls all day long.
    Instead of getting better he is getting worse,and is getting a lot louder. At first my wife and me thought is was an morning dove (not likely because they would have gone South for the Winter) or owl hooting because the howls were short, but now they are full fledge howls and getting a lot louder.

  2. You are having the fun now! When I go to Betty's to de-clutter we call it a play date! Wish I was there to help.

  3. OOOOHHH! I like your red pans. I have been wanting the green ones, but I really don't need them. :)

  4. Betty, drop your old ones off at the food basket, then you WILL need the new ones.
