Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday 1/3013

Kat is on a mission today.  She is bound and determined to catch one of those birds at the feeder right in front of her nose.  She waits and waits, with her tail whipping.  Finally, she leaps, and bangs her nose on the window glass.  She does this over and over again.  Brain damage?

I got a very weird phone call about 7:00 Sunday night.  When I answered, a man's voice said "There's a package on your porch you might want to get inside."  I was in the middle of a movie, distracted, and said "Thanks."  That was all.
Then it dawned on my that UPS and FedEx do not deliver on Sundays.  We don't have a porch light since Barrie power washed and sanded the front of the house.  She took the lights out, so it's very dark out there.  Barrie didn't think I should even open the front door, but I finally did.  No package, no boogie man waiting in the dark. 
This is not mine.  Lenore found this in an art book (it's oil) and thought we should all do this in watercolor.  I haven't even touched my watercolors for a couple of weeks, but I will try it. 
I started a colored pencil drawing of Kat this morning.  I just need to change medium once in a while.
If you are familiar with the work of any of these artists, you will get a kick out of this.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be great to get a video of Kat doing that smash-nose-into- window thing. But I'm sure that as soon as you turned on your camera she would not do it again until your battery wore down. Makes a great mental image, though. LOL
