Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We're having a heat wave.  It was actually in the 20's this morning.  The wind is bothersome, but that is what's warming us up.

I baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and they were so sweet they made me nauseous.  I prefer salty things to sweet things.  My favorite flavors are salt and grease!
I found that the "Old Picture of the Day" used a picture I submitted last year of the Marlatt Brothers Baseball Team.

The link is there, just invisible.  Just click around a little above this line. I have no idea who the people are in the photo of the old car.  It was just on the same page.


DADD said...

We were suppose to have 32 above today, but right now it is 1 above and falling

Judi said...

Vicky has a good system. She cuts the sugar in any recipe down by 1/2 or even more. And her cookies are still delicious.
You do get brownie points, thoughn for even baking!