Saturday, February 2, 2013



I haven't seen a sideways snowstorm for a while.  This was taken out my bedroom window yesterday.  Aout 20 minutes later, the sun was starting to come out and we ended up having a bright sunny day.

One of the things Barrie found at the bottom of the copper tub where I kept yarn was a whoopie cushion.  I had forgotten all about it.  Barrie had KC sit on it that night when she got home.  You never heard so much screeching and laughter.  I was wondering if Kasey could pass out from laughing and giggling so much.  Hmm - - - I don't remember it being that funny back then, but Kasey sure thought it was.
Ain't it the truth!!


  1. Wasn't it a lot more fun when we didn't know all the things that could kill us

  2. You make me so happy, Duene! I love the video and I am so glad it is on my laptop screen & not outside my window.

  3. I sent that exact Calvin cartoon to my co-workers. We are too much alike! TL
