Wednesday, February 27, 2013


There were only four of us at art group this morning.  I baked a loaf of Banana bread, and Pat brought blueberry muffins.  Kind of an overkill for only four people!

I spent part of my morning organizing and cleaning a cupboard in the art room, eating and drinking coffee.  I did finally start a new drawing.

The big Iditarod sled dog race starts in Anchorage this coming weekend.  There are about 70 teams entered this year.   Always exciting and I like to keep up with the race, but every year there are fewer mushers that I even recognize their names.  I see Newton Marshall is entered again this year.  I wonder if Kasey still thinks he has her Barbie Doll?  Lance Macky and Newton borrowed Barrie's dog truck and trailer one year when theirs broke down during the Stage Stop Race.  Kasey had a Barbie Doll in the truck, and it went missing.  Kasey thinks Newton has it, but she thinks Newton is her buddy.  He did some Jamaican dancing with her in the parking lot


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