Monday, March 4, 2013


I baked hamburger buns this morning.  Used my bread machine on the "dough" cycle. I even sprinkled sesame seeds on the tops!  I like how the oven bakes bread much better than the bread machine, but I'm usually too lazy.  It's just too easy to let the machine do it all.

  The new laptop computer is going back.  It's slower than my old laptop, and Windows 8 is not meant to be used by humans  The colors, the tiles and the charms may look cute, but I don't like the way they work. (or don't work)
Maybe the machine is defective, but it sure doesn't perform  like my old laptop.  I was trying to watch the live feed of the Iditarod restart last night, and the new computer wouldn't even load the page.  I grabbed the old laptop and was watching it within just a minute or two.


  1. Beautiful buns!
    I hope all goes well with returning the laptop.
    I finally watched a movie on my iPad & it was fine. Have also watched TV shows.

  2. I'd get in trouble if I said what Judi said.

  3. Darn, Judi! You've got to quit talking that way in front of your busband!
