Friday, April 26, 2013

Full Moon

This is what the moon looked like at 6:00 this morning.  What's that you ask?  What was I doing up at 6:00 AM?  I was wondering that myself.  Maybe the moon was shining in my eyes.  No problem, I went right back to sleep and didn't stir until 9:00.

I finished the book "Ash Fall" last night, but it didn't feel finished.  The author just kind of got tired of writing, and left everything hanging.

 Kat brought a mouse upstairs last night, and took it in the bathroom.  It hid, and Kat probably spent all night waiting for it to come out.  This morning she was still in the bathroom, sniffing at the cupboard doors under the sink, so I opened them and left them open.  Pretty soon, I heard Kat scrambling around, and sure enough, she had the mouse, but it hid again.  That cat can sure make her toys last a long time.


  1. Ash Fall is part of a trilogy. The second book is Ashen Winter. The 3rd one isn't out yet. TL

  2. Ahhhh. A trilogy. Did you know that before you started, Duene?
    Your Kat is sure persistent. Which is a good thing!

  3. To Anonymous: I just now purchased "Ashen Winter" for my Kindle. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight!
