Monday, April 22, 2013


Oh yeah!  When it's springtime in Wyoming.

Tracy called yesterday.  She has been a frequent visitor to Lowe's recently, and has finalized the order for their kitchen remodeling project.  They are getting new cupboards and  new granite counter top.  The cupboards will be deeper than her old ones, and she'll have a lot more cupboard space.  She's also getting a new gas cookstove.  She has wanted a gas stove for years.
She promised to take lots of pictures.

And here is my kitchen remodeling project. I have a corner cupboard with a lazy susan (two shelves) for my spices.  Through the years, I seem to have acquired three partially filled jars of Italian seasoning, a couple of garlic powder, several of cloves, etc.   By the time I am through, I should have twice as much space on those shelves.  I even found a tiny bottle of Peppermint Schnaps in there, the kind they used to serve on airplanes.
Tracy is PIO for the Summit County Sheriff's Office, and yesterday, they lost five snowboarders in an avalanche on Loveland Pass.  Colorado just had a fatality on Vail two days earlier.



  1. You did a better job of showing the storm than I did.

  2. Love your little video. Not so anxious to head north now!

    That is a fine collection of spices. Some of them probably do not even have expiration dates.

    Heard about the snowboarders. So sad. So much tragedy running rampant this week. West, Tx is fairly near where we were at Chases. 10 first responders (plus others) died because the person in charge didn't report the explosives stored there. Firefighters never would have gone near if they'd known. Someone should be charged with involuntary manslaughter, but I haven't heard any of that.
    Shootings in Seattle & NC (& even Mesquite!) and then, of course, Boston. Agony upon agony.
