Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It seems like I wake up to a skiff of snow every morning, but it all melts quickly. I don't think it got above freezing today, but the sun is shining.

I finished reading "The Stand" today.  I'm not sure how long that book is, but it's very long. Now I'm ready for a movie.  I saw this morning that "A League of their Own" has been added to the Amazon Prime (free) list, so that is defintely what I will be watching today.
I believe if someone offered me an all expenses paid trip to the World Series, or the National Finals Rodeo, or the Super Bowl, I would turn them all down.   Too many crazies out there.  Are any of these popular and crowded events going to be safe?
Well, muffin tin cooking is not all it's cracked up to be.  I've made two different things in them, and although they were edible, I believe I won't make them again.  I still like stuffing baked in muffin tins, because I like my stuffing dry with crisp edges.

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