Friday, May 10, 2013


I know we got a smattering of rain last night, because there was rain on the window pane of my bathroom.  It wasn't much, not even enough to leave any puddles on the ground.  Now that it's warmed up, you can almost hear the grass growing.  It's getting green here, fast!


This is what I got from Tracy yesterday for Mother's Day.  The shoots are already about four inches long, and they're pale yellow.  I'm sure they will green up fast.  I love things like this.  Thank you dear daughter Tracy.

Kasey worked on my computer last night to make her Mom a Mother's Day card.

She did all the typing herself, and spelled the words on her own too. When she typed the word "other", she asked me if she should use "r" or "er".  And after she typed her name, she said "Uh oh, I used all capital letters -- oh well, I like it that way."  So that's the way it is.


Poor Calvin.  But we all expected this, didn't we?

1 comment:

  1. We moved cattle to the Mesa today. No grass..hope it hurrys.
