Thursday, May 16, 2013


Black skies this morning, and a good rain, but the sun is shining again now.

Barrie looked at apartments at Sublette Center yesterday and brought me the information on them.  I drove over and looked this morning, and I liked the same one she did.  So - - - the deed is done.  I signed the lease on it and will move in June 1, although they said I can start moving things in any time.  I am planning on doing my own cooking and laundry, at least to start with.  There are laundry facilities just a few doors down the hall. 

They haven't started construction on the new apartments yet, but when they are finished, I will be moved into one for the same rent, and they will move me.

Then, just because I was on a roll, I went to Rocky Mountain Home Center and bought a new sleeper couch. 

The kitchen is larger than what I have now and has plenty of cupboard space.  The table will have to go in there, and the kitchen is open to the living room.  I didn't take pictures of the living room or bedroom, as they are just empty space.
Nice bathroom.
Barrie has it all planned out step by step how we are going to accomplish this.  I like how most of the actual work involves her, and I get to make lists and plan!
It was so nice to have Judi back from Mesquite yesterday.   The art room never felt right without her.


  1. Ya know Duene, I just plain and simple - happy for you!

  2. I think this is a good move. I've been worried you can fall on those stairs...
    Your girls are wonderful, taking the bull by the horns.

  3. Well, congratulations on your new home! Seems like it was quick (from how you were talking yesterday), but when you know it's right, you just go for it!
    I like your plan - you make lists & Barrie does the work.
    Art Group was so fun yesterday. Thank you for the nice words.

  4. What Sally said....
