Saturday, June 22, 2013


What a beautiful day today.  Sun is shining, it is not hot, and the wind is not blowing.  (Not yet, anyway.)

I don't have any quilt fabric left, and I have a couple quilt tops that need to be put together and quilted by someone other than me.  But I did decide to finish this quilt.  It is quilted, the binding has been sewn on, and all that is left is the hand work.  So I am working on it. 

This is the "Drunkard's Path" pattern, made of assorted calico print fabric.
I mentioned to Tracy that towels and sheets took up a lot of drawer space in my dresser.  She said "Don't you have a linen closet of something?"  Yes, I have a wonderful linen closet.  It has four big shelves, and two deep drawers.  And it is filled with art supplies and food.  Ridiculous, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous quilt.
    You are well stocked with food. Pretty soon you'll be bringing in another cupboard. LOL. Your bedroom is big enough for one.
