Friday, July 12, 2013


Rendezvous has officially started, and I'm afraid they're going to have to carry  on without me this year.  Traders' Row has been moved down by the courthouse on Main Street this year, so it won't be set up in front of Sublette Center.

I've attended many Rendezvous celebrations in the past years, and somehow, they aren't as much fun as they used to be!

My Interior Decorator from down South came to visit yesterday, and before she left, she decided I had to move the artificial plant from the top of the refrigerator to the top of the kitchen cupboards. She put it up there for me. I think it looks great there!  Now I have to get Barrie to bring the large decorative bowls I have at the house and put them up there too.
Had a great visit.  Funny that we lived so close to each other in Pinedale for years, and never took the time to visit much.  We sure didn't run out of things to talk about.  Good luck, Pete and Sally, in your endeavors in AZ.
Things don't always go as planned.  Barrie will not be going to Montana.  And the company she worked for has been sold.  She and Kasey will be staying at the house for now.  She will put the utilities in her name, and continue to work on things to get the house ready for market one of these days.  Just not as soon as our original plans.


  1. I'm sorry it did not work out for Barrie. It sounded like she was really looking forward to the move.
    The Mtn Man Camp is over by the new G&F Office and all their RVs are in the old Kerback Trailer Park.

  2. Had an awesome time with you yesterday. You ALL are very special!
