Friday, July 19, 2013


About the only news I found in the paper this morning was about the ongoing debate in Big Piney whether to allow chickens within the town limits or not.  It sounds like the whole town has chosen  sides and is ready for battle.

There is a petition being circulated, and this graphic has been on the Internet.  There have been a few famous debates in Pinedale I remember from the past.  Like whether or not to allow "Tyler's Twirlers" to march in the Rendezvous parade.  And whether or not to let Buck Martin carry his gun in the bar.  The Buck Martin incident even got national TV coverage.

Well, personally, I would love to hear a rooster crow in the morning. 

I am busily planning my supper.  I have some left over cole slaw, two hot dogs, part of a head of cabbage, and a little baked beans and a little kielbasa casserole (with cabbage).  I think that is the makings of a fine meal, don't you?  And I have a fresh loaf of  cottage cheese and chives bread.
I know I have a sick sense of humor, but this is one of the funniest ads I've seen in a long time.


  1. Don't forget Marvin.

  2. You know, Duene, that the funniest jokes are the ones that smack of a truth!
    I wonder if Marvin is still lying down in Stott's old yard.

  3. Maybe that would be a good question for someone on the staff if the newspaper to investigate. "What has become of Marvin?

  4. Isn't Marvin in the Big Piney area now? Like in a park or something? Maybe at the fairgrounds?
