Monday, July 15, 2013


Yay!  Kasey is home!  I haven't seen her yet, but talked to her on the phone last night.  She has another loose tooth.

The nurse who I watched fireworks with knocked on my door Saturday night.  She wondered if I wanted to go outside and sit for a while.  The sprinklers were running on the bench close to my door, so we went out front.
Betty Jo had just been here to tell me they were singing country gospel music in the Heritage Room.  I made the excuse that I was already in my pajamas.  Well, Nicky and I, both in our pajamas, and both with a beer in our hands, walked right by the Heritage Room and sat outside.  Nicky smoked and I smelled it.  Maybe no one in the Heritage Room noticed us.
Last night I heard loud voices in the hallway.  I was taking my laundry down the hall.  Two nurses were with a man with a walker, and he was MAD!  I don't know why he was so angry, but he was yelling and cursing at them.  They reminded me of two border collies, carefully trying to herd him, without touching him,  back down the hall to the nursing wing. I guess they got him there, because it got quiet. 
I like to use "Blue Tac" as an eraser when I am doing a pencil drawing.  The trouble is, the cat is crazy over it, and is always taking it.  I can't smell anything, but the cat knows when I have some out.  I put a piece high on the refrigerator, and she smelled it and knew it was there.  (I drew a red circle around it.)  I would like to know how it ended up on the bedroom floor yesterday morning!