Sunday, July 21, 2013

So where the heck IS Marvin?

Judi posted on Facebook wondering if anyone knew the location of Marvin.  There was  plenty of speculation, but it appears no one knows for certain where Marvin is.  (See yesterday's blog.) Maybe someone should notify the Sheriff's Department that Marvin is missing!

There was a plastic bag under the art table I thought contained things that needed to be put away in the medicine cabinet.  When I emptied it this morning, I found my missing mechanical pencils, my missing pocket knife, and some more items from the art room.  I knew these things would turn up, because I already have a new pocket knife and two new mechanical pencils.

Kasey is showing me where she lost two teeth. 

A lean, mean, pedaling machine! 
It got very warm here yesterday - in the 80's, but I never even turned the fan on.  For some reason, my apartment never got too hot.  Nice.

So, will someone please tell me why I have a sense of accomplishment when I make a list, when I haven't really accomplished anything?



  1. I really thought someone would know where Marvin is. Did you see the 2 comments where he might have been thrown into Pine Creek or perhaps he's in BP? LOL
    Kasey has mastered a lifetime skill - bike riding. Good job, Kasey!

  2. Crash helmet for when I prop her on top of my huge throbby cok and it explodes cm in her pusses she won't bang her head on the ceiling
