Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Kasey came to spend the afternoon with me after she had her swimming lesson yesterday.  We had a wonderful afternoon.

She had a peanut butter sandwich in her backpack for lunch, but I was fixing my "brunch".  So KC helped me make biscuits.  Then she sat down and ate a biscuit, a slice of ham, and two helpings of cooked carrots.   She said, "Grandma, your cooking isn't always bad."

I had met a woman last week who just moved in, and she had a French Poodle, which her Granddaughter was walking for her.  So KC and I went to her apartment, and KC asked her if she could walk her dog for her. 

Good grief!  I talk to my cat, and my granddaughter is walking ugly little dogs!  What's next?  Kasey will be here again this afternoon, and I'm sure she will want to go walk the dog.

Then we watched "The Wizard of Oz" together on the computer. After she read to me, KC was  getting squirmy, so when her mom came to pick her up, I had her outside running up and down the sidewalk as fast as she could go.