Monday, August 19, 2013

I have been using a folding chair at my painting table, but it was very uncomfortable, so Barrie brought me the chair I had been using at the house.  Kat used to sleep in this chair, and it didn't take her long to curl up in and take a nap.

Oops!  This is what happens when you fill the loaf pan too full of banana bread batter.  I had five black bananas, and used four.  It was too much.  Easy to clean up, though, because I let it go ahead and bake until I could just pick up the hunks.

 I cleaned out the refrigerator and threw out a few questionable things.  Also threw out some things from the freezer compartment that were unrecognizable under an inch of frost. 

I attempted to upload a video, but gave up.  Blogger is definitely not video friendly.


  1. You have done better on here with videos than I have. Getting sick of the pop up ads that I can't seem to keep off with the pop up blocker too. Grrr. Sorry about complaining on your blog...should do that on mine.

  2. Upload your video to You Tube and then embed them here...VERY FAST!!!!

  3. It takes me 30 min to upload a a short video. Love the photo of Kasey with the ball.
    Sent from my iPad somewhere West of Laramie
