Monday, August 5, 2013


Couldn't get to sleep last night, and I don't know why.  I have some over-the-counter sleeping pills and they work really well, but I didn't crawl out of bed to take one.  Finally got to sleep and didn't wake up until almost 10:00 this morning.
Just thinking about all the things to get the house ready to sell stresses me, I guess.
The leaky sink from yesterday isn't leaking today.  Go figure. 
Noteworthy news today:  Some schools in Pennsylvania have attempted to ban "boobies" bracelets.  The girls (middle school age) are wearing them for breast cancer awareness.  The courts have ruled for the girls.
They have developed a "test tube" hamburger.  I think I'll pass on that one.

I've GOT to have this shirt!

At one time during my teaching career, the school decided the kids should not be allowed to wear printed tee shirts to school.  One of my kindergartners didn't understand it, and another kid said "You know, dirty shirts".  The first kid said "Oh, well, my Mom washes my shirts."

And I bet Sally knows who  I'm talking about here.  One of my little girls came to school with a picture of a Bichon Frise dog on the front, with the words "Bitchin ' Frizzy".  She told me Sally gave it to her. 
This baby robin was outside my window the other day.  So awkward and looking a little frightened.


  1. I remember the shirt, but not who I gave it to!!!! Love your other shirt, the rodent and the ass!!! ☺

  2. Try Griffith maybe? From Arapaho? I think her mom was Sam Krause.
