Saturday, August 24, 2013


Today I am listening to music on my Kindle Fire.  I have never paid any attention to the Amazon Cloud Player, because I have iTunes and my iPod, along with XM Radio.  I was amazed to find that every tape or CD I ever purchased from Amazon is floating around on a "cloud" and I can listen to them on my computer, or the Kindle Fire.  There is a Grateful Dead album there, lots of Chris LeDoux, Tom T. Hall, Johnnie Cash, and a couple of tapes I bought for Kindergarten years ago. The kindergarten music is fun  - Raffi, Joe Scruggs, and Barry Lou Polisar. 

I don't have any tapes or music CD's any more, and nothing to play them on.  I don't even have a real radio. 

Two different people came to get me to go to a 90th birthday party in the Heritage Room.  The second person threatened to drag me so I decided to go.  It was okay.  I had champagne, cake and ice cream, and saw a former kindergarten student whose grandmother is in the nursing wing. I visited with Tom, who gives talks on his travels, and met his two St. Bernard dogs, who are regular visitors to Sublette Center. 
The woman whose birthday it was just sat in her wheelchair and didn't seem to be aware of what was happening around her. 


  1. I knew it was Tharon's 90th bd, and we were encouraged to go from her old bridge group..but she just doesn't know anyone..I thought it was sad to celebrate her bd. Hope you enjoyed the champagne anyhow.

  2. The two St. Bernards were the high point for me!
