Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This has got to be the most ridiculous study ever done!  How do you even go about doing a study on this?

"Men with smaller testicles are more likely than their well-endowed brethren to be involved in the care of their toddlers, anthropologists at Emory University reports."

I remember years ago one of our teachers got the railroad to come to school and do a program on train safety for the elementary school students.  After the presentation, we were awarded a certificate and a plaque proclaiming our town had never had a train related accident.  Our mothers were so proud!!  (By the way, our town is located 100 miles from the nearest railroad.)
I guess no one mentioned the former student who when he became an adult, went to Rock Springs, got drunk, stole a locomotive and went for a joy ride. That was a wreck of a different kind!
I will have surgery on my first eye tomorrow morning in Rock Springs.  I have to be in the doctor's office at 9:00, which means we will have to get up at an ungodly hour (for me).  No coffee or anything to eat. 

I was so sorry to hear from my friends that wolves got into their sheep and killed nine.  And their beautiful and famous guard dog, Rena was seriously injured.  They did kill two of the wolves.  Rena is at the vet's.  Hoping for her full recovery.


  1. Good luck with your eye surgery. You should love it..once it's healed. I personally hated the eye drops afterward, but it's a small price to pay. Luck my friend.

  2. The day I turned 18 years old I was served with a jury summons. When I showed up, my name was the first one picked out of the drum. When they began to tell us what the trial was about....I laughed out loud. I was the first one dismissed from the jury. The trial? Danny got drunk, stole and train and took a little ride. Still think it is funny when you say it out loud! (only because no one got hurt and no property damage either) :)

  3. The day I turned 18 years old I was served with a jury summons. When I showed up, my name was the first one picked out of the drum. When they began to tell us what the trial was about....I laughed out loud. I was the first one dismissed from the jury. The trial? Danny got drunk, stole a train and took a little ride. Still think it is funny when you say it out loud! (only because no one got hurt and no property damage either) :)
