Monday, October 28, 2013


Happy Monday!  It is chilly, cloudy, and windy today with snow in the forecast.  Yay!

They are getting some walls up on the new apartments.  A crew worked both Saturday and Sunday.  The guy in the yellow hard hat stood in front of the sign a long time, like he was studying the picture to see what they should do next.

I just got three new shirts in the mail, and a package of a dozen pairs of fuzzy socks. 
My brother Bill and wife Alice are getting moved into their duplex in Riverton  Alice is putting up wallpaper.  She said Bill brings four boxes of things from the farm, and they find places to put three of them. 
I kind of cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer compartment today.  Threw away some old bread that wasn't good to start with, and a carton of crystalized ice cream.  I also took a package of frost from the freezer.  I have no idea what is in it - I will let you know tomorrow after it thaws out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will miss the debut of those new shirts! I assume you'll be wearing them to Art Group.
