Tuesday, October 8, 2013


My cat must not be of Greek descent.  She refused to eat the cat food with olive oil drizzled over it.  I gave up this morning, dumped her food, washed the bowl, and gave her plain old dry cat food.  She was pretty happy about it.

I had an echocardiogram at the clinic yesterday.  A team of doctors (teenagers, I think!) come from Salt Lake once a month to do this in Pinedale.  Simple procedure, for me, but I imagine the equipment they were using cost as much as a house.  They will send it all to a lab somewhere, and the results will be sent back to my doctor in Pinedale. 
They said they found nothing to be concerned about, but that one valve was slightly smaller than the other.  They told me I should probably be checked again in two or three years.  The results of the other test results that were done at the clinic are in, and I have an appointment next week.
The eye doctor in Rock Springs will then get medical clearance to continue with the cataract surgery.  Finally!  I guess I am thankful the eye doctor is so fussy.  I would rather he be overly cautious than careless. 

I have finally finished these pencil drawings.  I have posted a picture of the horse  before, but it wasn't completed. 


  1. Love the photo of Kat.
    Those twins are sure young. So cute. You are so talented.

    Glad you are getting everything squared away with your health. Once every 15 years for a checkup & tests isn't too dreadful.

  2. Might tighten that once every 15 years schedule up a smitch....

    Love the photo and drawings. I'm with Judi..you are so talented.

  3. Duene...you are the BEST! Luv Kat's picture!
