Tuesday, November 19, 2013

In the Kitchen With Duene

Egg salad is so easy to make, right?  First you hard boil some eggs .........

Well, I had a little trouble getting past the first step.  An egg exploding in the microwave oven is VERY loud!  I've had that little microwave egg cooker for years, and it has always worked perfectly,  Until today.

I have a small frozen pizza, so I think that is what I will be having today. 

And it goes on, and on, and on, and on.  Dr. Jensen's office called this morning.  The doctor wants to see the medical clearance, and he would rather it be in the form of a report, not just handwritten on a prescription pad. 
So I call Dr. Barry's office in Salt Lake.  Well, guess what?  They can't release my information unless they get a request from Dr. Jenson.  I guess the patient doesn't have the authority to ask them to send the release.
So, back on the phone with Ann, in Dr. Jensen's office, and they will fax a request to the cardiologist who can then fax the report to them. 
Why do I feel I'm caught in the vortex?
Anyone want to come over for an egg salad sandwich?



  1. What a run around. Is the egg salad free of egg shells? LOL

  2. It almost sounds like they are playing a little game with you.
    Sorry for your problems.

    Is it the same microwave. Maybe the electricity is a little high there in town and the oven put out more power.
    But I never heard of hard boiling eggs in a microwave before. Learn something new every week, especially with you around. LOL

  3. You ARE in a medical vortex, Duene. Hope you can clear your way out of the swirl sometime soon.

    Eggs: I know that in hotels they warn you NOT to warm up the hard-boiled eggs in the microwave. But you were just trying to make it hard-boiled - and in it's own, special cooker. Who knows why?

  4. I have a little electric egg cooker. You put your eggs in it, add a tiny bit of water, turn it on, and 15 minutes later..Whalaa!! Perfect hard boiled eggs. Best invention ever!

  5. I think you should have your own cooking show....something about reality in the kitchen??

  6. Bettty, I have one of those egg cookers. Bought it for a nickel at Mary Lankford's garage sale! And it does work great.
