Sunday, November 10, 2013


Another bright, sunny day.  So bright and sunny that I have closed my drapes and opened a window.  The fresh air coming in feels so good. No more winter?

I have finished the painting of the old barn.  I'm pretty happy with it.  I need to get a mat on it and look at it for a while before I call it done.
I've started a new painting of quakie trees.  So far, all I've gotten done is put some masking tape and masking fluid  on the paper.  I can't decide if I want to put snow on the ground or not.
I've been watching for the third book in the trilogy by Mike Mullins.  It seems to be out in hardcover, but not for the Kindle yet.  It's a fictional story about Yellowstone Park erupting.  I've read the first two and can hardly wait for the next one.

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