Monday, December 2, 2013


I am the master of procrastination, something that has always been out of character for me.  I've spent a lifetime getting things done before the deadline.  I guess I worked well under pressure.  Now I find myself putting off anything and everything that can wait until tomorrow! 
I just sloshed the coffee over the rim of my coffee cup and wiped the bottom of the cup with my shirt tail.  I am sitting here smiling at the dirty dishes in the sink.  I just took something out of the freezer that I won't know what it is until the frost melts.  That's not procrastination, that's being slovenly!!  I do, however have my bed made and am dressed.
I bought another kitchen gadget.  I have wanted one of these jar/bottle openers for a long time, and as my hands are beginning to feel their age, I ordered one last week.  It mounts under the cabinet. 
I'm still doing a little housecleaning every day on my computer, deleting some files and organizing others.  I found these two photos I took on one of my numerous trips over South Pass the winter my Mom got sick.



  1. I really like the frosty tree. But then I am a sucker for hoar frost on anything.

  2. We haven't of those jar openers in each house. Love them. Had a hard time finding one for Mesquite. Had to go to Pampered Chef. $$$$$$$$$$
