Monday, December 9, 2013


It was about 20° below zero last night, and the wind is blowing snow off the roof again.  Can't even see the other wing of Sublette Center at times.  So nice to be indoors looking out.

I've seen several photos of cats and Christmas trees lately.  This is not a new picture, but a good one. Both KC and Kat were much younger!

I have debated buying an electric can opener, but I think I have talked myself out of it.  Why?  I've had several over the years, and never had one I liked very well.  So I as long as I can turn the crank, I will be using an old fashioned can opener.  Maybe I'll buy a new one of those, as I think the blade must be really dull after all these years.
I am really missing watching the NFR this year.  I can't get it here.  I can at least keep up with the results on the Internet.  If I can see the TV well enough to enjoy it, I might consider getting Dish Net again.  Or maybe not.


  1. Love your decisiveness.

  2. I feel the same as you - I've never met an electric can opener that I've liked. We love the old 'crank' one on the wall. When our old one got dull we had to search and search, but finally found another.

  3. The new hand turn can openers do not last. I buy a new one..think it's grand and shortly it's history. I go back to my old one that's dull, and rusty...but still works. I think I got it in 1971.
