Sunday, December 22, 2013


Pleasant surprise today.  I turned on the TV just to see if anything was on.  And I found the Denver game is on!  Payton Manning just threw a touchdown pass that broke the record for one season. The only football I've seen here has been college ball. I guess I better pay closer attention. I already missed three quarters of the game.

The elusive blue eraser was taken off the kitchen counter yesterday.  Today, it showed up in Kat's food dish. Some people have the "elf on the shelf".  I have the "cat on the counter".
Several years ago, I decided I was going to buy myself a new TV for a Christmas present,  This is what was left on my front porch.  Sorry, Santa, but I had no desire for a mountain bike.  I never did get a new TV that year.


  1. When did you return to TV service? I guess you were talking about it earlier.

  2. I didn't. They said they turned it off, but I still have it. Two months now, but no charge. I should feel guilty, but I never watch it enough to
