Sunday, December 29, 2013


I've lived here seven months, and discovered today that my oven has a light!  There is a little black switch on the black surface of the back console.  Duh!  I've never noticed it before. 

The Yahoo weather report on my computer says visibility is 10 miles.  I've always wondered how they figure that when the mountains all around us are standing there sharp and clear. 
This sounds like a great idea to me!  Does anyone who makes a New Year Resolution actually keep it?  And most resolutions seem to involve getting into shape and losing weight.  I haven't made a New Year's Resolution in years, maybe never.  That way, I don't have to feel guilty about not keeping it. 
I have a list ready to take to Ridley's today.  Barrie brought me milk a couple days ago, but there are things I really need, so might as well get it over with.  A trip to Ridley's is not something I enjoy.
I have thrown out most of the candy and snacks from the Care box someone sent to all the residents here.  It's pretty bad.  There are five or six pairs of lightweight gloves in the box.  Then Barrie and Kasey gave me some gloves for Christmas because I didn't have any.  I need to put the gloves in a dresser drawer, because they are slowly disappearing.  Kat enjoys chasing them around and throwing them up in the air.


  1. I'm just like you , I have never made a New Year resolution.

  2. I think maybe once when I was newly married I made some dumb resolution. Which I didn't keep. Haven't made any since.
