Thursday, December 5, 2013


It's official - - winter is really here.  It was 20° below zero last night.  It's nice and cozy in my apartment, and frost on the windows.

Tracy sent me this little tree for my apartment.  When I unpacked it, I thought it was the most realistic tree I ever saw.  When I read the paper that came with it, I discovered it is a real tree!  It needs to be watered.  I set it up yesterday and watered it.  Today the branches are relaxing and plumping up, and I can smell it.  It is balsam, and smells wonderful. 

The apartment was cleaned today, and I asked the housekeeper to write her name down for me.  I know I have not been pronouncing it right.  Her name is Xiao Ling Li.  Her first name is pronounced like "Show" (rhymes with now).  I'm glad I am finally able to pronounce her name correctly.
I'm afraid I've been caught again.  I promised neighbor Nancy I would bring the movie "The Legend of Earl Durand" for the discussion group to watch today. The movie was filmed in Pinedale, in the 70's, I think.   


  1. Luv your Blog and love your realistic tree!!!!! And I love my AZ weather, but it is a tad chilly today.

  2. Could you put that smell on your blog for us? Ahhh

  3. I golfed with Bill C., Gene A., and Owen S. on Monday. We stopped for a beer afterwards and had a discussion about "The Legend of Earl Durand". Owen and Bill had never heard of it. Gene and I filled them in on a lot of it. Bill looked it up on his phone and it had a good review of it. I told them they ought to borrow it from Duene when they get back to Pinedale.
